You're probably 6'9" or better, 260-270 pounds, pants hanging off your tail walking around like King Kong ain't got ish on you!! A tattoo on your hands which reads "DIE BITCH". A piss poor tattoo I might add. Should I be intimidated by your persona? The thought brings a smile to my face, the answer 'NO'. AM I intimidated by your facades? The words escape my lips....'Hell No!!' Will all 5'1" of me pull your card when you cross my path more than once, coming into my place of business asking me to personally , loan you money and the sort? ABSOLUTELY! As you advise me that you will let me hold the gold ring on your finger as collateral.
I sense annoyance developing as though you are offended by my questioning. If you are offended....I have succeeded in the fact that you have pondered my questions and I've gotten underneath your skin. Perhaps you will soon understand that your choice of words which are etched in your skin until you decide to cover them up, speak mountains of your character.
Your reply to my question..."I had that put on my hands for those that kicked me when I was down. I've done time, been shot and stabbed multiple times, women including my mother have done me wrong and I'm still here!" Clown you are here by the Grace of God! Apparently HE has something for you to do, something for you to share. You have a purpose and HE has a Plan tailored made for you. From what I have ascertained from our conversations, your mother showed you tough love. If it was charted as kicking you while you were down, growth in Christ, knowledge, family love, etc is still needed. You acknowledge, not many question you without repercussions. Again, am I intimidated? Nada! You thank me for not sugar coating my thoughts while advising you that some of your actions have been less than desirable and will dampen your ability to obtain certain jobs.
Will you change? Maybe, but not overnight. When in my presence will you exhibit respect? Yes.
The purpose of this post is to express that we are what we speak, whether verbally or otherwise. We need to be cognizant of how we carry ourselves even in times of adversity.
~~~Skin I'm In~~~
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Peace and Quiet
Peace and Quiet,
Peace and Quiet,
Peace and Quiet,
Pressure takes its toll
Faith found in solitude
While my heartbeat saturates every realm
Dwelling in the shelter of my soul
Dwelling in the shelter of my soul
The invitation to join me is extended
Beware to shadow the waves of
the sounds that are non-existent
Embracing the peace and quiet of love & pain.
~~~~Skin I'm In~~~
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Compass Of Charm
The scent of your cologne is so subtle
As I breathe you in
You take my breath away
I adore you
Your embrace
Is where my desire resides
Raging gentleness
Escapes your fingertips
My compass of charm
Peace & Power
~~~Skin I'm In~~~
Random Thoughts - Parents of the Cloth
Most of my peers growing up, grew up in the church. Whether Baptist, Pentecostal, etc. we spent many a Sunday in Church.
I have several relatives and friends that are also 'Preacher's Children'. Whether their father is the Church Pastor, Mother is an Evangelist, etc. I've noted throughout the years some peers were a bit defiant in what was deemed proper protocol in and out of church. Outsiders looking in would peg Preacher's children as the worst. Not so. As everyone has their faults with some form of dysfunction in all families.
My train of thought in this post leads to the children who are faced with adversity & or they have done something that is shameful to the church. As a parent of the Cloth where do you draw the line between parent and church?
If your son or daughter comes to you and expresses discontent within themselves do you quote a scripture and send them on their way? When your son or daughter comes to you and advises you that they have not been honest in their relationship/marriage, expressing the need to talk. Will you first treat them as a church member anointing them with oil, praying for them, etc. or will you talk to them as your child. Will you be the parent first or the pastor? Will you shun them because they are an embarrassment to you and the church or will you embrace them as a parent and Lover of God should?
Random Thoughts, as a parent of the Cloth which cloak do you wear?
~~~~~Skin I'm In~~~~~
I have several relatives and friends that are also 'Preacher's Children'. Whether their father is the Church Pastor, Mother is an Evangelist, etc. I've noted throughout the years some peers were a bit defiant in what was deemed proper protocol in and out of church. Outsiders looking in would peg Preacher's children as the worst. Not so. As everyone has their faults with some form of dysfunction in all families.
My train of thought in this post leads to the children who are faced with adversity & or they have done something that is shameful to the church. As a parent of the Cloth where do you draw the line between parent and church?
If your son or daughter comes to you and expresses discontent within themselves do you quote a scripture and send them on their way? When your son or daughter comes to you and advises you that they have not been honest in their relationship/marriage, expressing the need to talk. Will you first treat them as a church member anointing them with oil, praying for them, etc. or will you talk to them as your child. Will you be the parent first or the pastor? Will you shun them because they are an embarrassment to you and the church or will you embrace them as a parent and Lover of God should?
Random Thoughts, as a parent of the Cloth which cloak do you wear?
~~~~~Skin I'm In~~~~~
Healthy and Diverse Observation/Thoughts
Can you maintain a healthy relationship without diversity?
Traditional saying 'Opposite's Attract' . Does one truly want their opposite or someone that mirrors the foundation in which was instilled in them?
I think for some, the diversity one seeks is actually a commonality. Opposites attract, yes, however it is of my opinion, within the opposition there are remote similarities in which a common bond is/should be echoed.
Having a mate with very similar core values with the aspiration to embrace different cultures is a key factor. There are benefits to someone completely opposite I'm sure. However I feel when your values are similar, your background is one that will compliment the other. You are willing to increase your knowledge, tear down any walls that hamper the diversity together which makes for a more fulfilling and healthy relationship. If you are unwilling to expand your horizons by experiencing and embracing new things together how do you keep that relationship "HOT".
As an example I am a food person...Hell I adore food. The preparation of different meals can be a form of foreplay. The willingness to try new cuisine with your mate may even satisfy the hungriest of appetites. Didn't think I would ever eat alligator, but I tried it and liked it. Didn't think I would like sushi. I tried it and found there were certain items that pleased the pallet and some that didn't. When your companion is not willing to embrace the new, the relationship becomes stagnant and you grow apart. Having someone that is willing to indulge in such adventurous pleasures with you is one that will complete you, and turn the key to unlock that healthy and diverse relationship.
~~~~ Skin I'm In~~~
Monday, January 20, 2014
Moments Of Weakness
The one person you never had any closure with. That one person you knew you loved, you were in love with. They had no clue. Twenty six years later, different paths, different lives. The voice you thought was forever gone, the photos you held on to now come to life. Coincidence? Destiny? The latter is chosen. The bond you thought was gone is stronger than before. The love you thought only you embraced is shared. You tremble, you concede. Your moment of weakness, their love reciprocated.
Personal testimony...I love animals. I have two miniature pinschers. Their name's, Kermit and Bell. Kermit being male, Bell a female. Kermit is passive and loves to lick you if allowed. Not allowed on my watch. Kermit has an "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka" attitude. Bell is an Alpha, aggressive and very affectionate. She looks at you, stands on her hind legs for you to pick her up and she proceeds to hug you and nuzzles her head in the side of your neck.
Bell disappeared for about 20 minutes. Kermit noticed her M.I.A. status and became excited. With an attitude in Eddie Murphy's voice "I got some icecream. I got some icecream. You ain't got none. You wanna lick? " I combed the house, searching all rooms, closets, underneath beds, etc. Searched outside thinking she ran out when my daughter left the house. I bellowed and no Bell. Searching the house again I look in the laundry r. oom and find the dryer door ajar. My daughter left it open prior to her leaving the house. Bell is asleep in the dryer, snug as a bug in a rug. A sigh of relief escapes. Kermits attitude is "Aw Damn!". Moment of weakness, thought of losing a loved pet.
~~Skin I'm In~~
Personal testimony...I love animals. I have two miniature pinschers. Their name's, Kermit and Bell. Kermit being male, Bell a female. Kermit is passive and loves to lick you if allowed. Not allowed on my watch. Kermit has an "I'm Gonna Get You Sucka" attitude. Bell is an Alpha, aggressive and very affectionate. She looks at you, stands on her hind legs for you to pick her up and she proceeds to hug you and nuzzles her head in the side of your neck.
Bell disappeared for about 20 minutes. Kermit noticed her M.I.A. status and became excited. With an attitude in Eddie Murphy's voice "I got some icecream. I got some icecream. You ain't got none. You wanna lick? " I combed the house, searching all rooms, closets, underneath beds, etc. Searched outside thinking she ran out when my daughter left the house. I bellowed and no Bell. Searching the house again I look in the laundry r. oom and find the dryer door ajar. My daughter left it open prior to her leaving the house. Bell is asleep in the dryer, snug as a bug in a rug. A sigh of relief escapes. Kermits attitude is "Aw Damn!". Moment of weakness, thought of losing a loved pet.
~~Skin I'm In~~
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Shout out #1
Doing something a bit different. Oftentimes we progress through our daily activities and we do not give people the acknowledgement &/or recognition I think they deserve. Yes we tell individuals they do a great job but do we tell them they really do a GREAT JOB!? Allow me to answer that for you....No we do not!
This post focuses primarily on some local talent. I pride myself on having a musical ear and the ability to recognize someone with a GOD GIVEN TALENT that needs exposure or at least a swift kick in the right direction. I'm not a promoter by any means, but the few that I touch upon in this post deserve some recognition.
I met someone approximately 7 years ago who touched my heart in many ways. He and his family have always welcomed me with open arms. Between late night talks, barbecues, dinners, etc. he's always been a wonderful friend. Our first encounter provided me with the knowledge that this, 7 years ago twenty something young man had an Old Soul. His Tag Name, Punk Drummer...yes he loves Punk Rock, being a huge fan of The Bouncing Souls. However with Douglas Thron being a drummer I feel he is an even BIGGER FAN of Ahmir Thompson or as many know him as QUESTLOVE. I've listened to Doug play and for someone without any formal training I find him to be a beast. Funny thing is when I listen to him play, though he is currently playing with a Punk Rock Band in New York, his talent would be better served playing Jazz. Not a surprise as he spends many hours listening to Miles Davis and Charlie Parker. I love this guy! No one like him!
Another young man that is paving his way in the world as an Audio Engineer, Singer/Songwriter, Model and whatever else he puts his mind to is Kevon Smith. A very gifted and humble young man. Featured on Majic 102.3. Has graced the stage with Kim Burrell and Donnie McClurkin to name a few. You can check out this gentleman at
December 13, 2013 I had the pleasure of hearing the Angelic voice of Angela Braden. A beautiful young lady whose talent is multi-faceted. She belted out the holiday classics right along with tunes for the grown and sexy. From Etta James' "At Last" to Ledisi's "I Blame You". Her voice is one to be recognized as pure unadulterated talent. No cosmetics involved. Just a beautiful natural voice to soothe the savage beast. She brings a much needed freshness to the tri-county. She has a voice and style that you would most likely hear in a quaint jazz club in DC. So trust and believe to hear such an angelic voice in my area is a breath of fresh air. So when the opportunity arises, check her out with FOR FRIENDS.
~~~Skin I'm In~~~
This post focuses primarily on some local talent. I pride myself on having a musical ear and the ability to recognize someone with a GOD GIVEN TALENT that needs exposure or at least a swift kick in the right direction. I'm not a promoter by any means, but the few that I touch upon in this post deserve some recognition.
I met someone approximately 7 years ago who touched my heart in many ways. He and his family have always welcomed me with open arms. Between late night talks, barbecues, dinners, etc. he's always been a wonderful friend. Our first encounter provided me with the knowledge that this, 7 years ago twenty something young man had an Old Soul. His Tag Name, Punk Drummer...yes he loves Punk Rock, being a huge fan of The Bouncing Souls. However with Douglas Thron being a drummer I feel he is an even BIGGER FAN of Ahmir Thompson or as many know him as QUESTLOVE. I've listened to Doug play and for someone without any formal training I find him to be a beast. Funny thing is when I listen to him play, though he is currently playing with a Punk Rock Band in New York, his talent would be better served playing Jazz. Not a surprise as he spends many hours listening to Miles Davis and Charlie Parker. I love this guy! No one like him!
Another young man that is paving his way in the world as an Audio Engineer, Singer/Songwriter, Model and whatever else he puts his mind to is Kevon Smith. A very gifted and humble young man. Featured on Majic 102.3. Has graced the stage with Kim Burrell and Donnie McClurkin to name a few. You can check out this gentleman at
December 13, 2013 I had the pleasure of hearing the Angelic voice of Angela Braden. A beautiful young lady whose talent is multi-faceted. She belted out the holiday classics right along with tunes for the grown and sexy. From Etta James' "At Last" to Ledisi's "I Blame You". Her voice is one to be recognized as pure unadulterated talent. No cosmetics involved. Just a beautiful natural voice to soothe the savage beast. She brings a much needed freshness to the tri-county. She has a voice and style that you would most likely hear in a quaint jazz club in DC. So trust and believe to hear such an angelic voice in my area is a breath of fresh air. So when the opportunity arises, check her out with FOR FRIENDS.
~~~Skin I'm In~~~
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Random Thoughts of Grilling
I do not consider myself a GRILL MASTER but my skills are far from Amateur night at the Apollo. Grills should not just be used for hamburgers, hot dogs and the sort. So many food items can be prepared on the grill.
However I find it comical when someone has a barbecue and professes to be the shyte on grates 1 & 2. Yes I am particular about my food and how it is prepared. Who isn't? Don't answer that. I've seen what a lot of you put into your wise. Not Impressed.
For some of you I understand the need for your food to be well done. However a hamburger should not be as dry as the Sahara, the consistency of a charcoal briquette, nor look like one. Furthermore it should fit on the bun or at least extend a bit outside of the bun. And of course seasoned well. Moist and flavorful. Get creative with your beef. Make it stand out...tee hee. Even the worst cut of beef can be a jaw dropper with the proper affection.
Ribs prepared properly are a work of art. Sliding off the bone & flavor that sends you into an orgasmic frenzy. You need to take your time with them and add some thyme should your taste buds desire such. They cannot be rushed, nor can they just be thrown on the grill without skill and love.
Chicken alone is boring. Spice it up! Not just with barbecue sauce. Chicken breasts can be stuffed, packed solid however you want to cook them. Stuffed with herb cheese, prosciutto, or even seafood. Again you just need to add a little spice. And for those that think Old Bay and season salt is good for everything......let it go. We have a plethora of spices at your creative!
Grilled/ roasted veggies. Amazing!!! Sometimes just a bit of sea salt, fresh ground pepper, a hint of lemon juice and olive oil can enhance the natural flavors found in so many vegetables.
Now I'm a charcoal user and will grill in rain, sleet, snow or hail. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! But everyone can't seem to control the rhythm of the flame. Thus the food goes up in smoke or at best tastes like ash and lighter fluid.
Grilling is an art form! Oh and in this case size doesn't matter.
Words to remember, It's not the size of the grill, but the skill.
~~~Skin I'm In~~~
However I find it comical when someone has a barbecue and professes to be the shyte on grates 1 & 2. Yes I am particular about my food and how it is prepared. Who isn't? Don't answer that. I've seen what a lot of you put into your wise. Not Impressed.
For some of you I understand the need for your food to be well done. However a hamburger should not be as dry as the Sahara, the consistency of a charcoal briquette, nor look like one. Furthermore it should fit on the bun or at least extend a bit outside of the bun. And of course seasoned well. Moist and flavorful. Get creative with your beef. Make it stand out...tee hee. Even the worst cut of beef can be a jaw dropper with the proper affection.
Ribs prepared properly are a work of art. Sliding off the bone & flavor that sends you into an orgasmic frenzy. You need to take your time with them and add some thyme should your taste buds desire such. They cannot be rushed, nor can they just be thrown on the grill without skill and love.
Chicken alone is boring. Spice it up! Not just with barbecue sauce. Chicken breasts can be stuffed, packed solid however you want to cook them. Stuffed with herb cheese, prosciutto, or even seafood. Again you just need to add a little spice. And for those that think Old Bay and season salt is good for everything......let it go. We have a plethora of spices at your creative!
Grilled/ roasted veggies. Amazing!!! Sometimes just a bit of sea salt, fresh ground pepper, a hint of lemon juice and olive oil can enhance the natural flavors found in so many vegetables.
Now I'm a charcoal user and will grill in rain, sleet, snow or hail. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall! But everyone can't seem to control the rhythm of the flame. Thus the food goes up in smoke or at best tastes like ash and lighter fluid.
Grilling is an art form! Oh and in this case size doesn't matter.
Words to remember, It's not the size of the grill, but the skill.
~~~Skin I'm In~~~
Thursday, January 2, 2014
The Beautiful Ones
translated from English to English
The Beautiful Ones
Translation in progress. Please wait...

Baby, baby, baby
What's it gonna be?
Oh baby, baby, baby
Is it him or is it me?
Don't make me waste my time
Don't make me lose my mind, baby
Baby, baby, baby
Can't you stay with me tonight?
Oh Baby, baby, baby
Don't my kisses please you right?
What's it gonna be?
Oh baby, baby, baby
Is it him or is it me?
Don't make me waste my time
Don't make me lose my mind, baby
Baby, baby, baby
Can't you stay with me tonight?
Oh Baby, baby, baby
Don't my kisses please you right?
You were so hard to find
The beautiful ones, they hurt you every time
Paint a perfect picture
Bring to life
The vision in one's mind
The Beautiful Ones
Always smash the picture
Always everytime!
If I told you baby
That I was in love with you
Oh Baby baby baby
If we got married
Would that be cool?
You make me so confused!
The beautiful ones
You always seem to lose!
Baby, baby, baby
What's it gonna be baby?
Do you want him? or
Do you do want me?
Cause I want you!
Say I want you
Tell me baby
Do you want me?
I gotta know
I gotta know
Do you want me?
Baby, baby, baby
Listen to me
I may not know where I'm going baby
Look here
I may not know what I need
But one thing
One thing for certain baby
I know what I want
And it's to please you baby
Please you baby
I'm begging down on my knees
I want you
I want you
Baby baby baby baby
I want you
Yes I do
The beautiful ones, they hurt you every time
Paint a perfect picture
Bring to life
The vision in one's mind
The Beautiful Ones
Always smash the picture
Always everytime!
If I told you baby
That I was in love with you
Oh Baby baby baby
If we got married
Would that be cool?
You make me so confused!
The beautiful ones
You always seem to lose!
Baby, baby, baby
What's it gonna be baby?
Do you want him? or
Do you do want me?
Cause I want you!
Say I want you
Tell me baby
Do you want me?
I gotta know
I gotta know
Do you want me?
Baby, baby, baby
Listen to me
I may not know where I'm going baby
Look here
I may not know what I need
But one thing
One thing for certain baby
I know what I want
And it's to please you baby
Please you baby
I'm begging down on my knees
I want you
I want you
Baby baby baby baby
I want you
Yes I do
~~~Prince Rogers Nelson~~~
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