Sunday, August 24, 2014

Sunday Morning Muse

While I have scrolled through the Facebook News Feed throughout the week, there is a common theme.
Posts regarding politics, racism, equality, etc.  Questions formulated like “What are you doing to combat violence and racism in your community?”, so forth and so on.

It’s a valid question; however do your answers suggest a solution or additional problems? Or better yet are your answers nothing but fluff?

We speak of how our police officers are here to protect and serve, not kill and serve up on a platter.
We speak of how we are disrespected amongst our peers, being called out of our names, etc.
We speak of how we can’t catch a break because the other man or woman keeps bringing us down.
The list is ongoing. 

Let me ask this, When do WE take ownership in our own actions???  When do we CHANGE our REACTIONS into positive ACTIONS??? 

Observation #1  Those becoming agitated that you are often disrespected are the very same ones posting videos of children and adults TWERKING, thinking its cute. Those posting videos of teenagers, etc. fighting...with the Movie FRIDAY response “You Got Knocked the F@(k Out!"

Observation#2  We still use derogatory terms within our conversations in reference to other races. Yes I’m going to make it real for you.  We use the word Nigga,  Niglet, Cracker, Gringo,  Sambo,  Colored, Towel  Head, Sand Nigger,  Jap,  Chink, Boonga  and Chug just to name a few.  So when you see these names in print I’m sure it angers you.   Take one giant leap and eliminate these from your  vocabulary.  In doing so you are leading by example and perhaps others will follow your POSITIVE LEAD.  And by others, even if it is ONE person that embraces your positive force, that is one difference made that can lead to more.

Observation#3 Our Youth lack respect in themselves and those in authoritative positions.  Again don’t blame others take ownership.  As parents we oftentimes do not take time out with our children as a result of work and financial distress.  Instead of sitting and having a conversation with our children about how things are affecting them, what did they learn in school, etc. We would rather buy them a video game, etc. to pacify them for the lack of time spent.  Instead of providing some structure and morals we push them off on others to do the job WE are meant to do.  I can go on and on with this one, but I will cut it short. So when our youth are caught up in the unrest, be mindful unless you are up close and personal, you do not know the full picture.  

Please keep in mind these senseless killings are nothing new nor do I condone them. However; the only thing new about them is the technology used to publicize them.  Instead of a blurb in the far right corner of the metro section of the news paper, videos are televised.  So if you want things to change...start by NOT FEEDING THE STEREOTYPE. Perhaps I am playing devils advocate with this, but it is what it is.  Two wrongs don't make a right and not everyone is innocent. 

If this Sunday Muse has annoyed you, then hopefully in some way it has provoked thoughtful solutions not fluff.

~~~Skin I'm In~~~

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