Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hate On Me

If I could give you the world on a silver platter would it even matter or would you still be mad at me.  In reality I'm gonna be who I be. And I don 't feel no faults for all the lies you bought. Hate on me hater, now or later. ~~Jill Scott~~

So shall it be that we as women make it difficult for ourselves in today's society, by hating on the other.  Jealousy, deceit and pure malice prevent us from enjoying life and uplifting others. 

As a conversation developed over our lovely social networks a question was posed..."Why do we as women talk about each other behind one's back, why are we fake friends, backstabbers and vicious?"

Many eloquent voices expressed answers which should reach deep into the female mind.  There were a few responses that were amplified in my opinion.  Aside from the normal jealousy, insecurity and spitefulness one young lady stated, 'It's what we feed our spirits, what we feed our spirit is a direct reflection of who we are.' 
Just as dwelling on negativity promotes negativity and the saying, 'You Are What You Eat'. This leads to an unhealthy lifestyle.  When we surround ourselves with poison, guess what, we become that venomous creature. 

'Lack of confidence & jealousy.  Comparing ourselves to others, weight, height, accomplishments, etc.  Comparison is unhealthy and robs us of the opportunity to be happy for ourselves and others'.
This statement should be an A-HA for some.  And directly correlates to what we feed our spirit.  As an example.  We are constantly absorbed in reality TV, we watch beautiful women in some of these programs constantly arguing over the most ridiculous things and degrading others.  We see models and think just because they are a size 0 they are the norm.  No sweetheart YOU are the norm.  If you are a size 0 great.  If you are a size 18 great.  You must embrace who you are, know who you are and learn from the knowledge you gain.  You need to know that comparing yourself to someone else definitely steals your joy.  You are wasting so much time worrying about why you haven't accomplished what someone else has, becoming angry and bitter.  Instead focus on what God has in store for you. You can only be ONE, know that you are unique. And allow the next person to be who they are without the cattiness.

'When a woman is secure with herself, she has no time to belittle the next woman!'  Once again it is about knowing ourselves.  Understanding our worth and ability to continue to blossom as no other can. 

So many feel the need to compete with others to obtain or even maintain the friendship of another and in doing so you make disparaging comments about another.  It's not necessary.  It's very simple, treat others as you would have others treat you. 

Thank you Monique, Summer, Roxanne and Angela for your thoughts.

~~~Skin I'm In~~~

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