I'm winging it. So much to say and oftentimes I just don't know where to start. So here it goes. There may be repetitious thought patterns, again so much to say with difficulty organizing those thoughts.
In times of adversity we often find ourselves wallowing in self-pity, depressed and viewing life's events as a constant setback. We allow adversity to take control creating self-doubt in conjunction with the self-pity. We constantly ask the questions, "Why?", "Why Me?", "What did I do to deserve this?" Or the "I must not be living right." We can't allow adversity to weigh heavily upon our shoulders. We must rise up and stand, facing it head on. We must use it as a tool, a hammer to breakthrough that which is trying to hinder us. The moment you allow adversity to plague you is the very same moment you have allowed your strength to falter.
Cast out the self-pity and doubt. Flourish in the fact that you have made a difference in someone elses life. Relish in the fact that you have greatly influenced someone else that has come into your path. You must realize that your path has already been charted so bask in the light, which guides you into the unbridled path that has been paved for you. Your light is your strength, your faith and your ability to realize that others learn from you as you learn from them. You may not know and you may not understand the purpose of your path but you must accept that which cannot be changed and caress that which can and move on. We must focus on the positive within the negative and rebound from it.
Adversity is a challenge to be conquered, pushed aside to make room for the next. View it as a stimulant. Without it, we often become too relaxed in our ways, taking life for granted and putting off that which can be done today for tomorrow, a tomorrow which is not promised. Adversity should be looked at as a means of education. It makes you think and of course when you think of ways to turn that negative into positive you are in turn stimulating your mind.
The knowledge received from mischance is phenomenal. From that knowledge you must take note that the simplest of conversations between you and a teenager, a co-worker, a friend will have a lasting impression. There will always be something that you share with someone that educates another in some way, shape or form. This should make you proud. Proud of who you are, proud of what you have gained, proud of where you came from, proud of your ancestors that faced adversity in its most disapproving of times and proud to share your adverse moments with someone else as our ancestors shared their moments with us. Remember when you help others you in turn help yourself.
In the eyes of adversity you are vulnerable, you're a pawn in a game of chance. However if you view adversity as an aggressive advantage you will come forth with vigor and education. You will have the realization that soiled moments or passages in our lives can be cleansed and forever inspiring. Once you bathe yourself in the inspiration received you will then find that not all is turmoil and tranquility will soon be a more frequent occurrence. As time passes when someone asks, "Have you exercised your faith in the eyes of adversity?" you can say YES with conviction!
The sooner you take action and put your desires and dreams into play, the sooner you will see that adversity is truly a tool to aid you in your goals. Not only will you be aggressively using it to your advantage but also you will have longer to enjoy your goals and dreams once attained. Every day you allow your life to be ruled by adversity is a day YOU allow to pass without action and a day less you could be living with more joy, less pain and true happiness.
It's a matter of choice. You have the choice to make a difference. You have the choice to change your life. You have the choice to conquer and survive that which plants your feet in sinking sand. You were chosen to make a difference in the lives of others. And most importantly God chose you.
So you can choose today to take control of your life, build upon your dreams and aspirations or you can wait until tomorrow, a tomorrow, which is not promised. Sitting back doing absolutely nothing wallowing in the turmoil that adversity has placed in your lap weighing you down, laughing at you as it takes full control. The choice is yours! Make a difference!!
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