Pimp - a person who solicits customers for a prostitute or brothel usually in return for a share of the earnings. One who controls the actions and lives off proceeds of one or more who work the streets.
We have the Pimps or 'Players' as some would like to be called and their profession otherwise known as 'The Game'. Then we have their Prostitutes otherwise known as 'Hustlers' or 'Gigolos' their profession...'WHORES ROAD, GET ME MY MONEY!'
Perhaps that last comment was a little harsh. It is what it is folks, reality. Now in comparison to some of Corporate America, leaning towards that financial industry of sales & procurement there is not much difference between them(Corporate America) and a pimp; hence the title Corporate Pimps & Prostitution.
Corporate America or their exec's want you to look like them, think like them, speak like them, act like them and dress like them. Do not have a mind of your own. Do not show any emotion. Just do as you're told and produce!! That takes me to the movie 'Pretty Woman'. Don't kiss on the lips, you'll fall in love. No emotion, no love lost.
I personally do not fit into that robotic mold. I am colorful in character and dress, though quite professional. I will not adopt the speech as it is meaningless. It lacks sincerity and thought. I was not born in YOUR, Corporate America's, likeness, so there will not be any resemblance.
You, Corporate America throw your weight around insisting that I dress as you do, in the boring Brooks Brothers Suits(black or gray only), white shirt only and by no means do you add a splash of color with perhaps a multi-colored tie. Black or Gray Only! No exceptions. Failure to adhere means you're dismissed without pay. This for some reason takes me to segregation. Water fountains labeled for 'Whites Only'.
You, Corporate America instruct us to say the same thing to everyone that crosses our paths during the work day. Do not deviate from the script given, doing so will result in a write up for insubordination, which will remain in your file.
You, Corporate America instruct us to sell someone a Jet Engine, knowing the consumer doesn't need or want this item. But its a mandatory sell to meet your goal. Failure to do so will result in you being replaced.
You, Corporate America instruct us not to care about the consumer. Treat them as a number. We just want their money....Number 2,245,218 please stand up! Caring about a client will result in a cut in pay.
Bottom line...be that Call Girl or Escort for Corporate America or be without just as a Pimp instructs his/her 'Pro' to go out and MAKE THAT MONEY.
~~Skin I'm In~~