Monday, October 24, 2011

Criticism of Obama/L.R.A.

Obama has received criticism for sending troops to Uganda in an effort to restore Human Rights & Dignity to Ugandans. 

Rush Limbaugh is one to critique Obama's actions. More or less stating that Obama is meddling in the affairs of Christians. These Christians being the Lord's Resistance Army, a.k.a L.R.A., led by Joseph Kony an African Terrorist. 

Joseph Kony is noted to have committed a plethora of atrocities...abduction, rape, maiming and murdering civilians, including children. His organization is noted for abducting young girls forcing them to be sex and labor slaves. Others reported to have been traded, sold or given as gifts by the L.R.A. to arms dealers in Sudan.  Children forced to become child soldiers, taking the lives of other children. 

Reports indicate approximately 70,000 children have been abducted. Thousands killed others displaced in four countries. Villagers mutilated...lips, ears and noses cut off.  Leaving them permanently disfigured as Evelyn Apoka who spoke out against Rush Limbaugh applauding Obama for his efforts.

It seems that Joseph Kony inherited power through or from his Aunt Alice Auma, the Mystic who started the Holy Spirit Movement. Intentions were to establish a regime based on the Ten Commandments.  Somehow this concept must have slipped. This in turn could be why Rush Limbaugh feels Obama is meddling. 

If we look at this maiming & rape Christian-like? Are we as a nation mentally prepared to combat child-soldiers? These children that are brainwashed and know nothing of living the life of a child. So are we meddling when if we look right out our front door we have the same atrocities that take place in the U.S.?

Just Random thoughts......comments welcome.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Relationships & Church

My mind roams yet again.  My thoughts or questions at this time are as follows:
Is it healthy in a relationship for one to attend church regularly while the other shows no interest?  Even if it's only once a month; there is no interest shown. Both individuals believe in God, but one chooses not to participate in any form of worship or fellowship within the church.  One might argue that it is not necessary to enter into a building to have church.  Another may argue that it's always good to obtain a viewpoint of an outside teacher of the word, as everyone has something different to offer.     

Does it place a strain on the relationship when one comes in from a spirit filled day of worship, wanting to share the joy in their heart, mind and soul, and the other has no way of truly relating?  What happens when that inability to relate to the other causes one to turn to someone else of the opposite sex within or out of the church? 

Ah-ha! That is yet another thought or topic to ponder as well as one cheating on their significant other with the church.  It's not as bad as it may sound.  My brain is moving faster than my fingers.   

On a personal note I applaud and have much love for a MAN/WOMAN that openly professes his/her Love for God and ALL he has to offer!!  So often we wander around this earth silent for fear of how we will be perceived. Embrace HIM!!

Other thoughts & comments are welcome.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

When Is It Too Soon? Who Determines The Time In Which We Mourn?

When we have friends, spouses or family members diagnosed with a terminal illness are we prepared for everything that goes along with it? The time, the support, the love, the mental state of our friend, family member or spouse? Of course not.  I don't think anyone is fully prepared.

The reactions of all are so unpredictable. Are some of our reactions warranted?  Maybe, maybe not.  Personally I'm 50/50 on the issue.  There is no clearly defined path.

I reflect over the past 12 years in which my neighbors shared a part of my heart.  Shirley, given less than 5 years to live after a lung transplant,  outlived the odds.  She maintained and prepared her family as much as she could for things to come, as God prepared her for her journey.  December 16, 2010 we Celebrated Shirley's Life. No more pain, her spirit soaring high. Her family....feeling lost and alone, because their rock had to move on.  I watched her husband stagger to his feet as they closed her coffin, sobs to be heard outside of the sanctuary it seemed.   There was no doubt that Sam loved his wife.  No doubt that Sam was in love with his wife. The knowledge of his love for Shirley was not enough to prepare someone looking from the outside in for the sequence of events that occurred.  

Six months after Shirley was laid to rest another woman introduces herself as Sam's ex-wife and is now living with Sam.  The initial reaction on my part was a bit of anger encompassed by Whys, Hows and Blank Stares.   My anger subsided rather quickly. Why? Because I have not walked in Sam's footprint.  I cant say that I fully understand the pain he felt losing his wife to a well fought fight.  

A number of questions fall into play. These questions may not  exactly fit this scenario, but they are questions to think about nonetheless.   Was the relationship coming to a close prior to the diagnosis? Was the surviving spouse there to the end as support? Was there a decision made between the two, for the other to move on with their life as quickly as possible? We as the outsiders looking in truly do not know. Another thought, no matter how CLOSE we consider ourselves to be to any one person, no matter how much we THINK we know about any one person, we ONLY KNOW what they want us to know. I'm not discrediting the friendship wherein there is the feeling that we have been privy to most things, but it is what it is.  

It's human nature to hurt and ask why as a friend and on the behalf of the deceased. It's human nature to feel betrayed and feel as though the deceased has been betrayed. The feeling of betrayal cutting you so deep, I get it.  However I've had to ask myself on more than one occasion 'Are these actions, feelings and reactions in line with God's way?'.  It's actually a simple answer; yet an internal challenge.  

We are works in progress, we can't determine what time frame is or is not proper for grieving. It's in God's hands.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Positive Movement Forward

Everything in life is a process in motion.
Without movement & progression, there is no life.
As long as you are full of life and living, you are headed somewhere.
It's up to you to decide where you are going. 
It's up to you to enjoy yourself along the way.
It's up to you to Activate that progression with positive movement forward.