Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thoughts of the 24 to 30 Year Olds

During an impromptu interview or conversation if you will with a number of men and women ages 24 to 30. I gathered information regarding what they sought, when choosing a mate and what their perspective was on how a relationship between two should be.

Now I must preface this by saying I am exposed to so many individuals with a multitude of personalities. Quite a few of them are in their early to late 20's. I might add, I'm not always pleased with what I encounter. You have your classic, pants hanging off their butts (both male & female), pajamas in public with bedroom slippers, breasts hanging out, dirty shirts, cursing, wreaking of last weeks alcohol benge, sex, cigarettes and down right disrespectful. Just keeping it real, sorry if I offend, but it is what it is. Grant it, it could be the geographical location, but I can't put that on any general area. These characters could be ANYWHERE.

In the midst of it all I have found quite a few that put a smile on my face and warmed my heart. It was also surprising to find that the number of men participating in my impromptu interviews outweighed the women. The women were for some reason at a loss for words. When does that really happen? Especially when there is an opportunity for them to truly voice their thoughts and opinions openly without being judged. Perhaps the reticence was a result of the ages, who knows.

I am always elated when GOD is first and foremost in someones life. I extended my gratitude to those I spoke with, because oftentimes in this era, many do not attend church or have never set foot in a church outside of a funeral or wedding. I felt blessed while listening to them speak so passionately about GOD and how they hoped their ideal mate would also share the same thoughts and feelings.

The importance of family was addressed. Not just both individuals in a relationship wanting to start their own, but also being there for other family members when needed. Not to have them interfere, but offering support when able to, without the family constantly being dependent upon them.

Though I have read a number of articles which put the men on blast for always looking at the physical attributes of the female before considering anything else and if propositioned they would choose to lay with a female first and vice versa for that matter. I think we all at some point in time have desired to be with someone based upon 'animal magnetism' ha ha. I chuckle; however it was quite refreshing to discover the views of those involved in the discussion differed.

Several men acknowledged that while they may be physically attracted to a beautiful woman; a woman that can stimulate them mentally is far more fascinating and attractive and the rest will come.

Several women advised that while they adore that P-H-Y-N-E man and want to be treated as an equal, they don't want a man that they can walk all over or manipulate. They desire their man to be head of the household, as he should be.

I know there are some that may state ' I make my OWN money, I don't need a man!' Keep in mind this is not that session. We can save that for another time.

Over all our discussions were of substance. As the conversations deepened and the comfort level grew, there were many things shared. Some things were kept PG & PG13. Some took it to the R-rated/X-rated level. None the less it was discovered that our young people are grounded and though they may slip here and there, they regain control and focus on what's right. So many of us should be proud and thankful, because MY generation has done a great job in setting the bar.

The Skin I'm In