Saturday, April 27, 2013

Happiness v. Joy

This post is a simplistic one. 
Had an encounter with a friend whom I adore. Their life in the last four years has been one of turmoil.  Custody battles, divorce, foreclosure, employment changes, etc.  Our conversations though brief tend to be uplifting.  Our most recent conversation revolved around the difference between happiness and joy.
Most would equate the two to be one in the same; however there IS a difference.
Happiness, per the dictionary; pleasure contentment.
Joy, per the dictionary; emotion of great delight.
If we look further you will find that so many things bring us happiness:  A new job, buying a house, the return of a loved one from war, a great tax return...the list goes on.  Happiness is based upon things outside of ourselves.  The very things that bring forth happiness can also bring sadness.  Happiness is fleeting.
JOY, the emotion of great it really?  Joy is an attitude of the heart! An everlasting attitude not dependent on circumstance.  It is eternal NOT fleeting.
There may be some that disagree, however this post is to evoke thought not controversy.
~~Skin I'm In~~

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